Since Kyle purchased his new home about a year ago, it is transforming nicely, from a bland, cold, old style sloppy Victorian era home to a cozy, warm, updated, cohesive home that you love to come home to in the mornings or evenings and almost never want to leave!
It lacked a lot of character when he purchased it, the outside for the most part still does. I have to wonder why or how people select colors for the exterior of a home. The colors are a taupe (almost grey) color, with green and a light burgundy trim here and there. It's nice, but kind of bland and doll-house-ish (you can tell the woman had the influence in that decision) the deck is stained a light green/blue to match the trim and it's just horrible! Other than the color though the deck rules!
Here is a picture of the deck when he first moved in
(The kiddie set in the back is gone and now there is a fire pit in it's place)
The task this summer, i think, will be to re stain it a dark brown to match the fence on the property. That will also make it look less "whimsical" .
This is how we decorated it for summer 2008
His purchase of this home has allowed my creative mind to turn from rusty old gears to a well oiled machine running almost 24/7 no matter where i am or what I'm doing or what I'm watching.. I'm constantly looking for the next color, the next idea. I ask myself constantly, how would this color make the room feel? Better yet, how will it make US feel when we are in it?
Our first obstacle, and rightfully so, was what was the previous owners' kid's room. Omg it was an atrocity. What do people think when they look at paint swatches?! Just because it's a kid doesn't mean you have to burn their retinas with bright obnoxious colors and busy stickers and what-not. Just make the room look nice! This is the before picture
Kyle gets the credit for hanging the plaques and pictures and picking out the color on this one. It's Benjamin Moore (can't remember the name of the color though) and the wainscoting is by the same in Spanish White-eggshell.

This room took me a very long time to finish. The wainscoting was detaching at it's seems in some areas so i had to repair those spots, sand, prime, and paint everything. Not to mention removing the stickers and glue from the walls. This project (on weekends only) took about 3-4 months total. It was a lot of work, but the end result thus far is very nice. I am still in the process of trying to find the perfect window treatments for this room, and shelving.
(To keep the post shorter I'm sending in sections)
Up Next the bathroom.
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